the bed – part one

module no. 03 – the large bed section

While the first two modules are exposed to moisture in the bathroom and we check daily whether the stability is already decreasing, we start working on the largest cardboard panel. Meanwhile bee has found out that they dispose of large and many cardboard boxes in their work, which we can simply thankfully take. We approach thus free of charge multilayered corrugated cardboard boxes, which are still quite large in addition. That’s fine, because we can make large surfaces from one piece and don’t lose stability.

The bed, which @bee has planned, consists of 4 or 5 parts. 2 parts should be extendable under a 170 cm box, so that we can increase the width of the bed to 120 cm. In front of the 170 cm there will later be a box that can be opened from above and the chest of drawers. All parts will be covered with foam mattresses, so that it will be comfortable in the end. In the last picture you can already guess it a little bit. But now we have to make a board that can stand us lying down and has a span of 170 cm.

For this we first have to cut a lot of strips. That alone took a whole evening – but had something meditative about it. In the end we had a pile of them, one part you can see on the photo. Then we made two plates. One was without air, completely filled. 5 cm wide longitudinal stripes and then 5 cm wide cross stripes until everything was full. The other plate was 5 cm high, the highest plate so far, here we glued the whole afternoon to finish the grid pattern. We glued both plates together afterwards. But the result is very impressive. It holds us both together and doesn’t give way a bit. The stability is there. It works. My doubts are getting less and less. The fascination for this strange material is growing and so is the trust. We are also becoming more and more professional, so that the furniture no longer looks so homemade or childish.

The joy is great and after we have painted all the modules, let’s have a look at how it looks in the car. It will be exciting. But now the floor has to be built first so that we have the exact measurements for the coming fine work and the next modules. So we have to wait for better weather, hopefully with higher temperatures and then we can start the interior work….

Used Tools

  • Cutter
  • Hot glue gun
  • lineal of metal
  • bricklayer angle

Used Materials

  • Cardboard
  • Tape
  • Hot glue gun patrons
  • Varnish

About the author and the project.

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